2017 was a tough year for many people. There was the recession and it’s accompanying financial difficulties; there were crazy weather patterns with hurricanes, droughts, floods and fires that left many homeless or worse; we had racist flare ups and mass shootings and unspeakable acts towards women; and we had people in power positions who many feel shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe let alone run countries!
So as we head into the New Year many of us may be asking ourselves if it’s even possible to have a good year. And the next question that usually comes up is what it is that we're missing to have this great year that we so desperately want.
So as we head into the New Year many of us may be asking ourselves if it’s even possible to have a good year. And the next question that usually comes up is what it is that we're missing to have this great year that we so desperately want.
We look around at Facebook and social media sites and see other people living amazing lives, traveling the world, having fun and enjoying time with their kids. We see friends and acquaintances making loads of cash and enjoying fulfilling careers and having mind-blowing relationships. And then we look at our own lives and feel that they are somewhat lacking.
It’s easy to do a comparison and feel that there must be something that other people have that you don’t (particularly when they only post the good stuff!). That they have more education or better social skills or great financial wealth or some special magic that just wasn’t endowed upon you at birth. Somehow you are just not making it. Or even if you are doing well in one area the others are in such a mess that you can’t even enjoy your limited success.
The thing is, if you have an electronic device to read this on (and you know how to read) and you have running water and electricity and some spare change lying around somewhere you're already in the top 1 percent of wealthy people in the world. If you woke up this morning and could still walk and talk and go about your day you're luckier than millions who won't do these things this year. If your kids are healthy and running around wreaking havoc this morning you're the envy of many who will never see their children grow up.
But ultimately it isn't about what we have or how good our health is or whether our children are well behaved or not or if our governments are corrupt or trustworthy, but the way that we think about these things. You can have all the wealth and fame in the world and still be miserable. Look at Robin Williams.
No. What’s missing is nothing. Nothing but your ability to see that nothing is missing.
Our discontent comes from the false assumption that life should somehow be different to what it is. That there shouldn’t be fires, droughts or floods, that people shouldn’t get sick and die, that only good people should run countries. That we should live in a fantasy world where everything is okay all the time.
But as we focus in on what is not right, we miss what is.
If you want to have an amazing year in 2018, it isn’t about what you do or what you have or what is happening in the world at large. Great years have all kinds of events in them, we just don’t label them as good or bad. Great years are about appreciating what is.
Start this year by counting your blessings. Go and make that long list of everything that is right with your life. Everything you have to be grateful for. How lucky you were to wake up this morning. How incredibly lucky you are to have another year with your kids (even the times they drive you crazy). How beautiful the sky is. How fortunate you are to have a kitchen full of dishes to clean from the great meal you had last night. How marvelous it feels to wiggle your toes. What a privilege it is to be able to smell so many weird and wonderful scents. How mind-blowing the visual feast is that laid before your eyes every single day. How comforting the air is going in and out of your lungs. How absolutely special and blessed and gifted you feel for getting another year of life.
What could possibly be missing?
If you really want to take 2018 to the next level, get in touch! My Parenting Breakthrough Experience is all about letting go of those limitations in your mind that hold you back from seeing the magnificence of your life.