It can feel overwhelming when we look out at the world and see the chaos out there. There is so much that needs fixing. So many people who need help. So much pollution. Where to begin?
We all want to leave the world better than when we found it. We all want to ensure that our children inherit a habitat that we would be proud of. But as just one person or family what difference can we possibly make?
"If you think you are too small to make a difference try spending the night with a mosquito." - African Proverb
We all want to leave the world better than when we found it. We all want to ensure that our children inherit a habitat that we would be proud of. But as just one person or family what difference can we possibly make?
"If you think you are too small to make a difference try spending the night with a mosquito." - African Proverb
Imagine every family looking at the world and everything they don't like about it and deciding to first fix that in their own home. Not doing anything dramatic. Just starting small and working outwards from there.
Whether it's you or your kids feeling helpless and anxious about the state of the world there is always something you can do right now to make a difference. And there's nothing like taking action to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.
Now if every family in the world just did that the whole world would change dramatically overnight. Without drama or even a huge amount of effort.
But they won't, will they? And then what is the point of you doing it? Then it goes back to just being a small drop in the ocean (or a little bit of plastic not in the ocean), right? Wrong.
I read a fascinating study years ago where they mapped all the connections in an entire town. They were looking at obesity but the principles apply to anything you do. They found that if person A was obese then everyone they knew was 50% more likely to be obese too. And people they didn't even know were more likely to be obese because they were. And even their third order connections... people who knew people who knew them were more likely to be obese.
Change your habits and the people around you are 50% more likely to do the same.
That is the ripple effect that we have on the world. And it starts with you. And it starts at home.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
If there are some changes that you need to make in your own life before you start changing the world, get in touch. My Parenting Breakthrough Experience is designed to help you to press the reset button on your life!
- Plastic in the ocean? Let me first get rid of plastic in my own home.
- War in the world? Let me just stop fighting with my spouse.
- Child abuse? Let me first make sure I'm treating my own children with respect.
- Death on the roads? Let me ensure that I drive carefully and stick to the speed limit.
- Violence? Are my thoughts and actions towards myself and others tempered with love?
- Pollution? Let me cut out any activities or products that contribute to contaminating our air and water supplies. Let me plant a tree.
Whether it's you or your kids feeling helpless and anxious about the state of the world there is always something you can do right now to make a difference. And there's nothing like taking action to reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.
Now if every family in the world just did that the whole world would change dramatically overnight. Without drama or even a huge amount of effort.
But they won't, will they? And then what is the point of you doing it? Then it goes back to just being a small drop in the ocean (or a little bit of plastic not in the ocean), right? Wrong.
I read a fascinating study years ago where they mapped all the connections in an entire town. They were looking at obesity but the principles apply to anything you do. They found that if person A was obese then everyone they knew was 50% more likely to be obese too. And people they didn't even know were more likely to be obese because they were. And even their third order connections... people who knew people who knew them were more likely to be obese.
Change your habits and the people around you are 50% more likely to do the same.
That is the ripple effect that we have on the world. And it starts with you. And it starts at home.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
If there are some changes that you need to make in your own life before you start changing the world, get in touch. My Parenting Breakthrough Experience is designed to help you to press the reset button on your life!