Take a small notebook and every evening write down 5 things that you were really grateful for that day. These can be small things – the sun filtering through the trees on your morning walk, the cup of tea waiting for you when you woke up, the big hug from your child when you picked her up from school. Or, they can be larger, ongoing things – that your kids are healthy, that you always have food on the table, that you have amazing friends. Some days you’ll scribble down 10 things without any effort, other days there may only be two. Even if the only thing you can be grateful for is the fact that the day ended, so be it.
It doesn’t matter what or how many, what really matters is the feeling that accompanies it. So, as you write, feel what it feels like to be grateful. Where can you locate it in your body? Do you feel more relaxed? Does it come with an external smile or simply an inner glow?
Try this for the next week. Try it for a month and see how your view of your world, and thereby your world itself will change with this small shift in focus.
Enjoy, have a lovely week, and be the change you want to see in your kids!