“Your family is a microcosm of the world. All the world’s problems present themselves in your family system. This is your training ground for having a greater influence in life and for handling the world at large. You will experience both acceptance and rejection there. You will have a balance of war and peace. You will be built up and crushed. This is as it is supposed to be. You will learn everything there that you need to handle the rest of your life. You will learn how to tackle ever-greater issues. You will learn how to deal with ever increasing challenges. You will learn how to influence, communicate, manipulate and how to fight for what is important to you. You will learn about who you are in relation to others.
When you make peace with your family of origin, and your current family, only then will you have real power and influence in the world. Until you do you will keep attracting the same scenarios into your life in different forms until you can love them and set them free.
Use every moment with your family as an indication of what you still need to work on; what you still need to love about yourself and others; where you still need to grow. They will provide you with all the opportunities and information you need. They are your guiding light, your guardian angels. They are the ones sent to help you to be whole. Anything you don’t love in them is something you have rejected in yourself – both good and bad. Own it. Love it.
It is no accident that you had the parents you did, or have the partner and children that you do now. In the midst of what looks like chaos is beautiful order. Every single trait in all of humanity is present in your family system, and as a great man once said, “You become yourself to the degree that you make everyone else yourself”.
What you see in your family is in you. Only when you have loved everyone in your family exactly as they are will you truly love yourself. Your withholding of love from them is only hurting you, keeping you in bondage, keeping you from knowing true love and joy.
They are your training ground for much greater things to come. Thank them for being your teachers. Love them for helping to launch you into the greatest adventure of all – your life!” – Mia Von Scha, Life and Parenting Coach.
Use every moment with your family as an indication of what you still need to work on; what you still need to love about yourself and others; where you still need to grow. They will provide you with all the opportunities and information you need. They are your guiding light, your guardian angels. They are the ones sent to help you to be whole. Anything you don’t love in them is something you have rejected in yourself – both good and bad. Own it. Love it.
It is no accident that you had the parents you did, or have the partner and children that you do now. In the midst of what looks like chaos is beautiful order. Every single trait in all of humanity is present in your family system, and as a great man once said, “You become yourself to the degree that you make everyone else yourself”.
What you see in your family is in you. Only when you have loved everyone in your family exactly as they are will you truly love yourself. Your withholding of love from them is only hurting you, keeping you in bondage, keeping you from knowing true love and joy.
They are your training ground for much greater things to come. Thank them for being your teachers. Love them for helping to launch you into the greatest adventure of all – your life!” – Mia Von Scha, Life and Parenting Coach.