Please please watch this before you give your kids Ritalin, Antidepressants or any other drugs. You need to be informed. You need to know the severity of the side-effects. You need to know the alternatives. This is a full length documentary and worth watching all the way through - it is absolutely enlightening as to how parents are being duped and coerced into drugging their children and the ramifications of this. Please watch this and share it with as many parents as you can.
If you are being told that your child needs Ritalin, please consider the following questions before agreeing to the drugging of your child:
- Is your child getting enough Omega 3's in his/her diet?
- Have you tried cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates?
- Is your child getting enough water every day?
- Has your child been exposed to high levels of lead in his/her environment?
- Does your child have undiagnosed allergies (dairy, soya, wheat, etc)?
- Is your child exposed to large amounts of food additives and excito-toxins such as MSG?
- Is your child watching too much TV and/or spending too much time on video games (more than an hour a day)?
- Is your child getting enough exercise in a day?
- Does your child have a boring teacher, or a teacher who cannot be bothered to find out the child's real interests and speak in ways that the child can relate to?
As there is no real diagnostic test for ADHD, children are being labeled based on a few behavioural observations that can be due to numerous other factors, and are often just normal behaviour for a healthy energetic child who just needs an outlet for their energy (not to be cooped up at a desk for 7 hours a day). Please look into all options before you embark on a course of drugs
- Is your child getting enough Omega 3's in his/her diet?
- Have you tried cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates?
- Is your child getting enough water every day?
- Has your child been exposed to high levels of lead in his/her environment?
- Does your child have undiagnosed allergies (dairy, soya, wheat, etc)?
- Is your child exposed to large amounts of food additives and excito-toxins such as MSG?
- Is your child watching too much TV and/or spending too much time on video games (more than an hour a day)?
- Is your child getting enough exercise in a day?
- Does your child have a boring teacher, or a teacher who cannot be bothered to find out the child's real interests and speak in ways that the child can relate to?
As there is no real diagnostic test for ADHD, children are being labeled based on a few behavioural observations that can be due to numerous other factors, and are often just normal behaviour for a healthy energetic child who just needs an outlet for their energy (not to be cooped up at a desk for 7 hours a day). Please look into all options before you embark on a course of drugs